Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fast Food

Nowadays, Thailand are a lot of fast food which mainly are McDonald's, KFC, Chester's Grill, Pizza Hut, Pizza Company, Burger King, Mos Burger and etc. I think every one known McDonald's and Chester's Grill and also Burger King is known well. Fast food can made a lot of money with their brands and their interesting promotion to convince the consumer to purchase their product.

Fast Food or others word call 'Junk Food'. It is a quick service restaurant. I think Fast Food has advantage and disadvantage. It’s depending on you to choose it in good or bad way. In my opinion, it's good for people who have a rush hour especially when we're hungry but when you have time, you shouldn't eat Fast food. In addition, as we know breakfast is the most important meal for everybody, so you should have a breakfast with a healthy food not fast food.

In Thailand, Thai children often eat junk food without knowing about it enough. They think just its very delicious and quick but they aren't considering that it's not good for their health. I think now our society must be aware and beware about what you eat? because it has many affect from fast food.

You should asses in this site. It has a lot of datas about Fast Food. Check it out-.


Have you ever have one side of headache? Its risk if you ever. Do you know about Migraine Headache? Migraine can happen with everyone. When I studied in grade7, my friend had a migraine but I'm not interested in it. I know only it's a headache one side. I don't know it’s dangerous. Until now I found many data of Migraine.

From I searched, Migraine headache usually happened extremely quickly. It's always only one side of headache. Pain is always getting when the body is moving. Somebody who got Migraine, they cannot sleep because they have headache so much. This disease maybe comes from street and worry about something. In my opinion, I think everybody should look after you’re healthy and in case of you got Migraine, you should go to see doctor. It's the best way for you!

More information :

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Orange Health Benefits

Which all fruits do you like? I recommend you to eat orange and drink orange juice.

The orange is one of the most common and popular fruit in the world. As everyone knows orange is a source for vitamin C? This powerful vitamin protects our body. The orange contains Beta carotene, Calcium, Folic acid and more which makes you're healthy.

One good example of a well known healthy juice is orange juice. Eating an orange can helps to protect your skin, reduce of Cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart diseases and many benefits from orange.

Orange juice is the best choice for you!

I suggest you to access in this website because it's a good website about many benefits for your body and healthy. This site is full of juicing for health. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable can prevent diseases.

Walt Disney

In my opinion, it's hard to success in your business. Some company has a good marketing, so it makes their company to achieve the goal. On the other hand, some company which is not good enough in their marketing, surely that they have a problem. Now I focus on one of the most successful company that is Walt Disney.

Walt Disney Company also know as Disney. I certainly think everyone have known it. A well-known cartoon creation of the company is Mickey Mouse which the mascot of Walt Disney Company is. Walt Elias is the man who is successful in his business and well-known all around the world. He was born in Chicago. In addition he created a Mickey Mouse character. Mickey Mouse is the first cartoon that made by Walt Elias. It's very popular in children and many people love it.

The man in the photo is Walt Elias and his first cartoon which is Mickey Mouse.

Nowadays, Walt Disney have many character of cartoon that not popular less than Mickey Mouse. For example, Winnie the pooh, Pinocchio, Cinderella and many characters. However, Mickey Mouse is still the original for Walt Disney. Walt Disney is not only has character of cartoon but also create many story such as Alice in the wonderland, Treasure Island, The seven princesses and more.

You can check at this website, if you want:

Monday, May 31, 2010

Magazine for teenage girls

In my opinion, nowadays has many fashion magazine such as vogue, Elle, etc., but now I'll focus on Seventeen Magazine. Seventeen is an American magazine for teenagers. This magazine is mostly for young girls and young women from the ages of 12-19. This magazine is the top 10 fashion magazine.

The world most popular's magazine for teenage girls

The issue of Seventeen magazines is about fashion trends, celebrities, beauty, skincare, hair, makeup and many things. Hot tips on beauty, fashion, fitness, and relationships. Each of section in this magazine consists of many interesting issue and recommend items that many people purchase it nowadays.

You can update the fashion, surely that you'll not out-of-date. This website: or you can buy it in the bookstore. Check it out!

The World's Fashion

Where is the world's fashion centers?

New York, Paris and Milan are the major for designers and manufacturers of fashion.

Fashion has been a cultural export of France since the seventeenth century.

In my opinion, the definition of fashion is a style of clothing worn by most of people in much country around the world. Fashion is not stable and still forever but there are a lot of changes in fashion. Today it's very popular but when the time pass its may be out-of-date. A clothing style indicates what kind of person you are. Fashion is not only clothes but also perfumes, bags, shoes and many things. Most of fashion come from the star because many people when they see the star, actor or actress, they want to be as them. Therefore, it's very popular afterwards.


Chikungunya is a disease by mosquitoes. It causes fever pain. There are no specific treatments for Chikungunya. It's very dangerous disease in our life because mosquitoes are all around. The symptom of Chikungunya has a fever up to 40c and has a headache.

I think the best way to avoid Chikungunya infection is prevent mosquito bites. You should take care yourself. I was searching on the internet and I found this specific website about Chikungunya. It has many information and a fever guide of this disease. I think it's the best website to help you to avoid this disease. It's full of prevention, symptoms and treatments. LOOK IT!!