Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bicycle on tours

A bicycle known as a bike or cycle, is having two wheels which have many benefits and useful. It helps to reduce a bad pollution to the world. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist.

Many people always use a bicycle in their daily life and also travel to other cities. For example In Thailand, in 2551 a man who live in the South of Thailand bike a bicycle to Laos which located in the North of Thailand. Here! I show you a picture of him.

If you want to see more, you can go to see at this website:

Nowadays, bicycle was developed to have more function and design. It makes bicycle more popular and interesting. Everybody can use it as a private vehicle. It can make people to reduce using car that release pollution. In foreign country have lane for riding bicycle almost every route. So I think using bicycle is a good idea for your life. I found some website about bicycle design when I searching for some detail on Google! -Check it out.