Monday, May 3, 2010

The value of the summary exercise to each person.

When I read the newspaper, l gains many benefits from it. Newspaper compiles much knowledge that can help me to improve my English skill. First of all, when I read the newspaper, I will know what is going on in the earth. Moreover, I know more vocabulary in my news. I can practice many skills. There are reading, writing, speaking and listening. When I read it, it helps me about reading. I can read it more clearly. In addition, when I summarize my article to partners, I know how to speak with a good pronunciation. And when they summarize their article, it helps me about listening skill. Finally, I have learned many vocabularies in the news and I give my partner three new words everyday and them also give me back. I receive many words from this exercise. Moreover I gain many good things and benefits from the summary exercise to each person.

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