Monday, May 31, 2010

Laughter Therapy

Do you know that laugh can cure the disease?

OHHH! I know that laugh is a good for my healthy life but I'm not sure that it can cure the disease until I found some article on the internet. It's very interesting. It's call Laughter Therapy. I'll show you some information of Laughter Therapy. Laughter not just for funny stuff but it is the best medicine as doctor find it can be healthy as exercise. Laughter Therapy may provide physical benefits such as help to relieve pain, balance blood and relax muscles.

This is the photo of a group section in Laughter Therapy for cancer patients.
Unbelievable Laughter as a tool for curing cancer patients.

At Midwestern has a Laughter Club for helping a cancer patient and Cancer Treatment Centers of America flight cancer by using Laughter Therapy too. You can look at this
website; it has many good things for helping your life and your family. It's an easy way that you can do.

Take a look at this video. It's an Introduction to Laughter Yogo and Laughter Therapy.

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