Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This picture is the concept of marketing. It is easy to understand.

Marketing strategy is very important for every business around the world because marketing strategy is the method to administer. A good management should clever person and learning about what the market wants in now. The basic theory of marketing strategy is Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. All of this show you about 4P are that is very important for marketing.

When I was searching for the marketing on Google, I see this website about marketing magazine. Check it out!

In addition I think it has one thing that is not important less than 4P's that is packaging because packaging make more attractive for customers to purchase their products. In my opinion, it helps those products will have the best seller. Here I will show you the example of some packaging.

Is it convince you to but it? It is a package of fruit juice. How cute it is?

If you want to know about The Marketing Concept, you can click here. It makes you more understand with the marketing.

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