Sunday, May 30, 2010

Paul Smith

I have never known about profile of Paul Smith before until I found the story on the internet. Nowadays, There are many brands from all over the world such as Louis Vuitton , Bottega Veneta , Gucci , Balenciaga and many others brands. Every brand has particularities.

However, most of my favorite brand is ‘Paul Smith’, so I have many reasons to support it. These are identity, creativity and capability. If I say name Paul smith, I think many colorful local which not as same as others brand. It is a concept of his brand. It’s just particularities. Today there are 12 different collections not only clothes but sunglasses, furniture and almost everything that we use in our daily life as well.

I satisfied this brand for a while and it’s double when I know his profile. He has a capability since he was too young to heretofore. When he was young Paul Smith was managing his first boutique in Nottingham. It’s just a tiny shop until now he is successful in his business. Paul Smith comes to be famous all over the world. Paul Smith mixed his love of tradition and the classics together until it has an identity of brand which you can call “Paul Smith”. Therefore, all of these indicate a capability of Paul Smith that makes me praise and love every collection in his brand. He is my model that I want to succeed like him.

This colorful is the symbol of Paul Smith.

If you are interested in this brand, you can check in this website:

You will see much information that you want to know.

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