Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fast Food

Nowadays, Thailand are a lot of fast food which mainly are McDonald's, KFC, Chester's Grill, Pizza Hut, Pizza Company, Burger King, Mos Burger and etc. I think every one known McDonald's and Chester's Grill and also Burger King is known well. Fast food can made a lot of money with their brands and their interesting promotion to convince the consumer to purchase their product.

Fast Food or others word call 'Junk Food'. It is a quick service restaurant. I think Fast Food has advantage and disadvantage. It’s depending on you to choose it in good or bad way. In my opinion, it's good for people who have a rush hour especially when we're hungry but when you have time, you shouldn't eat Fast food. In addition, as we know breakfast is the most important meal for everybody, so you should have a breakfast with a healthy food not fast food.

In Thailand, Thai children often eat junk food without knowing about it enough. They think just its very delicious and quick but they aren't considering that it's not good for their health. I think now our society must be aware and beware about what you eat? because it has many affect from fast food.

You should asses in this site. It has a lot of datas about Fast Food. Check it out-.


Have you ever have one side of headache? Its risk if you ever. Do you know about Migraine Headache? Migraine can happen with everyone. When I studied in grade7, my friend had a migraine but I'm not interested in it. I know only it's a headache one side. I don't know it’s dangerous. Until now I found many data of Migraine.

From I searched, Migraine headache usually happened extremely quickly. It's always only one side of headache. Pain is always getting when the body is moving. Somebody who got Migraine, they cannot sleep because they have headache so much. This disease maybe comes from street and worry about something. In my opinion, I think everybody should look after you’re healthy and in case of you got Migraine, you should go to see doctor. It's the best way for you!

More information :

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Orange Health Benefits

Which all fruits do you like? I recommend you to eat orange and drink orange juice.

The orange is one of the most common and popular fruit in the world. As everyone knows orange is a source for vitamin C? This powerful vitamin protects our body. The orange contains Beta carotene, Calcium, Folic acid and more which makes you're healthy.

One good example of a well known healthy juice is orange juice. Eating an orange can helps to protect your skin, reduce of Cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart diseases and many benefits from orange.

Orange juice is the best choice for you!

I suggest you to access in this website because it's a good website about many benefits for your body and healthy. This site is full of juicing for health. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable can prevent diseases.

Walt Disney

In my opinion, it's hard to success in your business. Some company has a good marketing, so it makes their company to achieve the goal. On the other hand, some company which is not good enough in their marketing, surely that they have a problem. Now I focus on one of the most successful company that is Walt Disney.

Walt Disney Company also know as Disney. I certainly think everyone have known it. A well-known cartoon creation of the company is Mickey Mouse which the mascot of Walt Disney Company is. Walt Elias is the man who is successful in his business and well-known all around the world. He was born in Chicago. In addition he created a Mickey Mouse character. Mickey Mouse is the first cartoon that made by Walt Elias. It's very popular in children and many people love it.

The man in the photo is Walt Elias and his first cartoon which is Mickey Mouse.

Nowadays, Walt Disney have many character of cartoon that not popular less than Mickey Mouse. For example, Winnie the pooh, Pinocchio, Cinderella and many characters. However, Mickey Mouse is still the original for Walt Disney. Walt Disney is not only has character of cartoon but also create many story such as Alice in the wonderland, Treasure Island, The seven princesses and more.

You can check at this website, if you want:

Monday, May 31, 2010

Magazine for teenage girls

In my opinion, nowadays has many fashion magazine such as vogue, Elle, etc., but now I'll focus on Seventeen Magazine. Seventeen is an American magazine for teenagers. This magazine is mostly for young girls and young women from the ages of 12-19. This magazine is the top 10 fashion magazine.

The world most popular's magazine for teenage girls

The issue of Seventeen magazines is about fashion trends, celebrities, beauty, skincare, hair, makeup and many things. Hot tips on beauty, fashion, fitness, and relationships. Each of section in this magazine consists of many interesting issue and recommend items that many people purchase it nowadays.

You can update the fashion, surely that you'll not out-of-date. This website: or you can buy it in the bookstore. Check it out!

The World's Fashion

Where is the world's fashion centers?

New York, Paris and Milan are the major for designers and manufacturers of fashion.

Fashion has been a cultural export of France since the seventeenth century.

In my opinion, the definition of fashion is a style of clothing worn by most of people in much country around the world. Fashion is not stable and still forever but there are a lot of changes in fashion. Today it's very popular but when the time pass its may be out-of-date. A clothing style indicates what kind of person you are. Fashion is not only clothes but also perfumes, bags, shoes and many things. Most of fashion come from the star because many people when they see the star, actor or actress, they want to be as them. Therefore, it's very popular afterwards.


Chikungunya is a disease by mosquitoes. It causes fever pain. There are no specific treatments for Chikungunya. It's very dangerous disease in our life because mosquitoes are all around. The symptom of Chikungunya has a fever up to 40c and has a headache.

I think the best way to avoid Chikungunya infection is prevent mosquito bites. You should take care yourself. I was searching on the internet and I found this specific website about Chikungunya. It has many information and a fever guide of this disease. I think it's the best website to help you to avoid this disease. It's full of prevention, symptoms and treatments. LOOK IT!!

Laughter Therapy

Do you know that laugh can cure the disease?

OHHH! I know that laugh is a good for my healthy life but I'm not sure that it can cure the disease until I found some article on the internet. It's very interesting. It's call Laughter Therapy. I'll show you some information of Laughter Therapy. Laughter not just for funny stuff but it is the best medicine as doctor find it can be healthy as exercise. Laughter Therapy may provide physical benefits such as help to relieve pain, balance blood and relax muscles.

This is the photo of a group section in Laughter Therapy for cancer patients.
Unbelievable Laughter as a tool for curing cancer patients.

At Midwestern has a Laughter Club for helping a cancer patient and Cancer Treatment Centers of America flight cancer by using Laughter Therapy too. You can look at this
website; it has many good things for helping your life and your family. It's an easy way that you can do.

Take a look at this video. It's an Introduction to Laughter Yogo and Laughter Therapy.

Segway Tour Thailand

Font size I have never heard about SEYWAYS tour in Thailand before until I was searching on the internet. I found some information that it's very interesting. I think it's a good idea for using Segways in Thailand and for tourists or people when they want to travel around city. It's was a new way that you can choose it. Thai people like to try a new strange things or something that high technology very much. I recommend you when you're looking for something new. Surely that you'll impress with it. If you're interested in SEYWAYS, you can look at this website : It shows you many information about where you can use it, how must does it cost? , where did you go and promotion of Segways. Although nowadays it isn't popular in Thailand so much but I think in the future it will be famous and use in many place in Thailand. I want to try to travel with Segways for once in my life.

This is a picture of some people in Thailand travel around the city by using SEYWAYS. How amazed it of ! WOW. Please take a look at this site:, you will see more photo about Seyways tour in Thailand and many answer that you want to know.

This is a video about Segways Tour Thailand in Morning Talk TV Program! LOOK IT!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


This is the picture of YikeBike.

It's easy to move it because it can fold.

This picture is the YikeBike. I never seen it before and I can't imagine that how can I use it because it looks hard to use it. However, I think it's very interesting. The YikeBike is an invention of New Zealand. It's basically an electric powered bike like the Segway Human Transport. The inspiration for the design came from the old bicycles. The 21st Century the idea has been improved. I think this invention is very useful because it can fold so it's easy to keep and carry. Sure it's great for traveling on smooth roads.

The man in the photo is riding the YikeBike.

Credit :

Paul Smith

I have never known about profile of Paul Smith before until I found the story on the internet. Nowadays, There are many brands from all over the world such as Louis Vuitton , Bottega Veneta , Gucci , Balenciaga and many others brands. Every brand has particularities.

However, most of my favorite brand is ‘Paul Smith’, so I have many reasons to support it. These are identity, creativity and capability. If I say name Paul smith, I think many colorful local which not as same as others brand. It is a concept of his brand. It’s just particularities. Today there are 12 different collections not only clothes but sunglasses, furniture and almost everything that we use in our daily life as well.

I satisfied this brand for a while and it’s double when I know his profile. He has a capability since he was too young to heretofore. When he was young Paul Smith was managing his first boutique in Nottingham. It’s just a tiny shop until now he is successful in his business. Paul Smith comes to be famous all over the world. Paul Smith mixed his love of tradition and the classics together until it has an identity of brand which you can call “Paul Smith”. Therefore, all of these indicate a capability of Paul Smith that makes me praise and love every collection in his brand. He is my model that I want to succeed like him.

This colorful is the symbol of Paul Smith.

If you are interested in this brand, you can check in this website:

You will see much information that you want to know.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Honey Therapy

Medicine is the science of healing diseases. I learned about new medicine in my reading class. In my opinion, it has many ways that you can choose to cure diseases. It's not only medicines but also many herbs. Maybe you think it can't cure. However, when I was searching some data on the internet, I found something that it can cure and have many benefits. It is a honey bee therapy which is a natural medicine.

This new medicine bee venom therapy product is a new good way that you can choose to protect your health. It's the Nectar Ease. Now available in the United States! Press it to this site for more information about Nectar Ease. It has many data and details for how can you buy it and many things.
Health Benefits of Honey!
Honey is a natural medicine that it hasn't a negative side effect. Here are a few tips for you. You should take a spoon of honey everyday and replace the sugar in your tea or coffee with it for your healthy life. It is better than sugar. I recommend you to try it now and then. You'll impress how wonderful of it?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This picture is the concept of marketing. It is easy to understand.

Marketing strategy is very important for every business around the world because marketing strategy is the method to administer. A good management should clever person and learning about what the market wants in now. The basic theory of marketing strategy is Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. All of this show you about 4P are that is very important for marketing.

When I was searching for the marketing on Google, I see this website about marketing magazine. Check it out!

In addition I think it has one thing that is not important less than 4P's that is packaging because packaging make more attractive for customers to purchase their products. In my opinion, it helps those products will have the best seller. Here I will show you the example of some packaging.

Is it convince you to but it? It is a package of fruit juice. How cute it is?

If you want to know about The Marketing Concept, you can click here. It makes you more understand with the marketing.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The value of the summary exercise to each person.

When I read the newspaper, l gains many benefits from it. Newspaper compiles much knowledge that can help me to improve my English skill. First of all, when I read the newspaper, I will know what is going on in the earth. Moreover, I know more vocabulary in my news. I can practice many skills. There are reading, writing, speaking and listening. When I read it, it helps me about reading. I can read it more clearly. In addition, when I summarize my article to partners, I know how to speak with a good pronunciation. And when they summarize their article, it helps me about listening skill. Finally, I have learned many vocabularies in the news and I give my partner three new words everyday and them also give me back. I receive many words from this exercise. Moreover I gain many good things and benefits from the summary exercise to each person.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bicycle on tours

A bicycle known as a bike or cycle, is having two wheels which have many benefits and useful. It helps to reduce a bad pollution to the world. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist.

Many people always use a bicycle in their daily life and also travel to other cities. For example In Thailand, in 2551 a man who live in the South of Thailand bike a bicycle to Laos which located in the North of Thailand. Here! I show you a picture of him.

If you want to see more, you can go to see at this website:

Nowadays, bicycle was developed to have more function and design. It makes bicycle more popular and interesting. Everybody can use it as a private vehicle. It can make people to reduce using car that release pollution. In foreign country have lane for riding bicycle almost every route. So I think using bicycle is a good idea for your life. I found some website about bicycle design when I searching for some detail on Google! -Check it out.

Segway at a wedding

Segway is something looks likes electric bicycles. It's a new vehicle. I have seen it before in movies but it isn't popular in Thailand. I learnt about Segway in my reading class. It has the benefits for your life. It helps to reduce pollution. I think it's very strange because I never seen anyone use it.

Do you know Segway can use in a wedding. I found it from some website. I think this is a good idea for you to choose it for your wedding. Take a look!!

An updated list of domestic regulations by state is available at

If you want to know about Segway tours please